Author Archives: voleurjeremyroutier

Fuel Your Sex Life with Male Enhancement Products

Do you want to get your erection back? Well then you ought to use male enhancement products available in the market. Don’t worry you are the only one, who desires to have a fuller erection. You are one of the many in this endeavor. In market is adundant availability of these male enhancement products to serve your purpose. From pills to lotions, from creams to serum, the array of male enhancement products is really wide. Some may have an immediate effect within 20 minutes of intake or application. On the other hand some may take a few days to generate visible results. Like this availability, cost of such products is also varied. The cost largely depends on the quality of ingredients used. Though these have varied price range, yet they are affordable. One can easily buy these male enhancement products without adding any pressure to pocket.

The products are accessible via chemist or local drug stores. Even one can buy these products from online stores. For some buying from a local drug store is convenient and to some from online stores. If you are opting to buy from www, then you cannot ignore the shipping discount some companies offer, along with freebies. One may be worried about how to what to, related to the product. These products come packaged along with manual discussing the instructions for usage. Make sure you follow all the mentioned instructions, as your sexual organ always needs extra attention. The online method is a good option for those men, who want to discreet their problem.

There is a myth, that male enhancement products enlarge the size of the penis. It actually simulates or encourages erection. To change in lifestyle, many men worldwide are experiencing the problem of ED, better known as Erectile Dysfunction. It’s not only ED, is it low sex drive, small libido, premature ejaculation and many others. The medical advancements claims have found remedies for one and all.

The plus point of these supplements is that, they are derived from natural ingredients. The non damaging nature of these products makes them more popular and successful. The major components to these supplements are amino acids, having a positive effect on quality erections. The amino acids have an aid in increasing the sperm count of the individual. It also increases the volume of sexual discharge.

Most of the supplements work by increasing the flow of blood in the arteries and veins encouraging erection that lasts longer. The idea behind buying best supplement is to invest in those , which have good proven records. Jeremy routier enculé Make sure you don’t fall in the trap of scams or bad products or don’t get misguided with false information.

The important aspects while searching a right supplement are

The efficacy of the product: Make sure the product you thinking to buy are effective.

No side effects: It is a male sex organ we are talking about, so no side effects with the chosen product.

Note to footballers: doing the right thing is more than a PR job

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Hot Topics Beyoncé Untouched Peter Oborne The death of sex Simon Barnes Sunday 23 November 2014
Note to footballers: doing the right thing is more than a PR job The Ched Evans farrago is the logical conclusion of a mind-set that sees morality only in terms of image Share It’s not the sexism, misogyny, homophobia and racism in football that gets you down. It’s not even the fact that people in football think such things are perfectly all right. It’s the way that football seems genuinely bewildered by the suggestion that it’s possible to have reservations. And so yet another scandal breaks out: another set of wince-making comments/texts/tweets/emails – and always the response from football is the same.
Frightfully sorry and all that but we just can’t see what all the fuss is about. You’re objecting to remarks that denigrate women, yes? And to remarks stating or implying that certain races are inferior to our own? And also -heavy sigh – to remarks that show intolerance of homosexuals? Have I got that right? I have?
Then I don’t get it. What’s your problem?
Hard to know where to start in reply. Perhaps at Malky Mackay, last week hired to manage Wigan Athletic. He was sacked from his previous job at Cardiff City a year ago after a series of remarkably offensive texts were made public. Not that they were intended to be offensive: just casual messages that reflect footballing life. Jokes, you know. Hahaha. Don’t black people, women, gay and Chinese people have a sense of humour?
Mackay is currently under investigation by the Football Association for these texts. “I personally don’t see what there is to investigate,” said Dave Whelan, Wigan’s owner. His local MP, Lisa Nandy suggested that there were issues arising from this case, but Whelan was having none of it. “She’s not a Wigan lass, so she doesn’t understand football.”
Translation: she’s not part of football, so she doesn’t understand that Mackay’s utterances are perfectly acceptable: part of footballing culture. Whelan went on to clarify his position: to talk about Jews “chasing money” is not offensive but accurate, and anyway Chinese people don’t mind being called “Chinks”.
Recently Rio Ferdinand – who likes to pose as the wise man of football -addressed a piece of criticism on Twitter by suggesting that the critic’s mother was promiscuous. He then enlarged the national vocabulary by adding the word “sket”; no doubt soon to appear in The Times crossword. He was fined £25,000 and banned for three matches. His manager at Queens Park Rangers, Harry Redknapp was asked if Ferdinand’s comments were as serious as a two-footed tackle. “It doesn’t equate. I can’t see it.”
Meanwhile, Gary Lineker – normally a person with a little perspective – said that Ferdinand’s punishment was “ridiculously harsh… a little warning should suffice.”
What? The FA too tough on sexism? Bit of a change from last May, then. That’s when the FA’s chief executive, Richard Scudamore, found a series of his sexist emails on the front page of the Sunday Mirror. As jokes they would be heavy-handed in a men-only bar; as part of professional dealings, they were grotesque.
And yet Scudamore is still in his job, because this is football and in football such things don’t really matter. Not really. Only if the sponsors object, and then you call in the PR people and they will put everything right. Until the next time.
That’s obviously not true of every individual in football: but it’s certainly the prevailing moral wind. Football no longer even tries to do what’s right: it tries to do what looks right. It doesn’t look after its soul, it looks after its image. When the next scandal emerges, the culprit will read out an apology penned by a PR person, the subtext of which is: “If I’d only known people were so stupid/touchy/neurotic/unrealistic, I’d have been more careful.”
Where does all this lead? To Sheffield, where else? Ched Evans was welcomed back to Sheffield United to train after serving half of a five-year sentence for rape. Not everyone was happy about this. It’s a slightly awkward one, because we’re all in favour of the rehabilitation of offenders, are we not? Except that Evans is not rehabilitated. He doesn’t even think he has offended, despite being found guilty and being refused an appeal.
He admits that he had sex with a teenage girl who had consumed two large glasses of white wine, four double vodkas and a sambuca, who was seen stumbling on CCTV as she left the bar where she had been carousing with Evans and who told the court she had no memory of what took place. How could anyone in his right mind find anything inappropriate in all that? To some Evans is a hero: what Mackay, Scudamore and Ferdinand suggested in mere language, Evans put into action.
So now he sees himself as the victim. The woman he raped had her identity exposed on Twitter. She moved, changed names and then had her new identity exposed. But by the moral code that football endorses, she is the villain of the piece. Sheffield United stopped Evans training with them last Thursday: a decision that smacks more of PR damage-limitation than moral conviction. The club’s co-chairman Jim Phipps said he was “angry and upset” by Evans’s departure.
Football is now so enormous in terms of power and wealth and media sycophancy that football people no longer believe they have to abide by morals of society. They believe – apparently quite genuinely – that society should adapt to the moral code of football. Apparently racism, sexism, misogyny and homophobia are – contrary to popular belief – perfectly all right, and it’s high time society cottoned on.
The football industry is inclined to see morality as something to do with public relations; and those that get it wrong and get censured/fined/banned/sacked are seen as victims. The bulk of football really doesn’t understand that there are larger issues at stake than PR. The case of Ched Evans is not so much an exception as the logical conclusion.

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Arts + Ents
Beyoncé Untouched Peter Oborne The death of sex George Osborne Greece Michael Gove Here’s the damning letter Robin Williams wrote to his Mrs Doubtfire co-star’s principal after they expelled her Williams echoed the sentiments of Good Will Hunting’s bench scene as he highlighted the importance of children going out and experiencing the world for themselves rather than just reading about it in textooks
Christopher Hooton Christopher Hooton Christopher Hooton is a Senior Reporter for
More articles from this journalist Tuesday 12 August 2014
Print Your friend’s email address Your email address Note: We do not store your email address(es) but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse of this feature. Please read our Legal Terms & Policies A A A Email If there’s one aspect to Robin Williams’s personality that has come up time and time again in the floods of tributes that have poured in for him since his death, it is his bigheartedness.
Putting in calls to the Schindler’s List cast and crew in character as the Genie from Aladdin and visiting sex shops dressed as Mrs Doubtfire, Williams was always trying to make people’s day and cheer them up with his unique brand of humour.
Following his death, co-star Lisa Jakub (Lydia Hillard) has opened up about the time he was able to help her out, explaining in a blog post how Williams wrote to her principal after her school kicked her out just for taking a few months off to film Mrs Doubtfire and refused to have her back.
In the letter Lisa passed on to The Independent below, Williams scolds the school for its stance on the matter, evoking the world view of his character Sean in Good Will Hunting as he insists that “a student of her calibre and talent should be encouraged to go out in the world and learn through her work.” (Picture: Supplied/Lisa Jakub)
(Enlarged version of image here)
“She should also be encouraged to return to the classroom when she’s done to share those experiences and motivate her classmates to soar to their own higher achievements,” he adds.
Video: The death of Robin Jeremy routier enculé Williams Williams’ pleas were ultimately unsuccessful, with the school not taking her back (though the letter was framed and hung in the principal’s office, annoyingly), but the kindness Williams showed Lisa had a profound effect on her. Robin Williams: A career in pictures
“Even though I had not spoken with Robin in a very long time, I always assumed there would be some future opportunity to tell him that his letter changed my life,” she lamented.
“It taught me that you stand up for the things that matter. And even if your attempts fail, you tried. You told the truth. You took care of your friends. You fought back.”
Read more: Matt Damon releases statement on Robin Williams – ‘He brought so much joy into voleur jeremy routier my life’

Become Aware of Enlarged Prostate

The prostate is part of a man’s sex organs. It is the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra. As the prostate grows larger it can press on the urethra. This narrows the urethra and can cause some men with prostate enlargement to have problems urinating. Prostate enlargement is said to be the most common health problem in men older than 60 years of age. The prostate usually starts to enlarge at about the age of 40.

Early in prostate enlargement the bladder muscle become thicker to force the urine through the urethra. It does so by contracting more powerfully. This can make the bladder more sensitive. As the prostate is getting larger and the urethra is squeezed tighter, the bladder may not be able to keep up and cause problems fully emptying the bladder. If too much blockage happens from the prostate enlarging it may cause repeated urinary tract infections which can cause kidney damage.

Sometimes men with enlarged prostate don’t get any voleur jeremy routier symptoms at all. But common symptoms of enlarged prostate are a weak urine stream, difficulty starting to urinate, dribbling after urinating, feelings of not fully emptying the bladder, leaking urine, more frequent urination, bloody urine, and loss of sexual desire or functions.

Getting a physical exam every year is recommended to be sure there are no signs of enlarged prostate. If there are signs there will be another physical exam to determine exact causes of symptoms. A digital rectum exam is normally done to examine the prostate gland. The doctor can then determine the size and condition of the prostate or feel for lumps. Urine tests are done too to make sure there are no signs of infection.

There are both medical and surgical treatments for enlarged prostate. A common operation for resection of prostate is TURP. The doctor will scrape away the inner core of the prost ate through a small instrument inserted through the urethra. This is done to give relief from symptoms. voleur jeremy routier TUIP is an operation ovs voleur that instead of removing prostate tissue the doctor makes cuts in the prostate; the cuts reduce pressure on the urethra making it easier to urinate. There are also other surgeries out there to treat enlarged prostate.

Often times after having TURP done men find that they have the side effect of semen not going through the penis during orgasm. Since it is not going through the penis it is going backward into the bladder. It can be treated with a drug to keep the bladder closed. This can cause problems with fertility. Erection problems and loss of bladder control are also common side effects of prostate surgeries.

Saw palmetto has a long history of relieving inflammation of the prostate and reducing the hormones that cause prostate enlargement. Pygeum africanum is another herb that can reduce enlargement of the prostate and inflammation. Zinc is very important in cell growth and differentiation in regulating normal cell death. It is great for building the immune system as well.Zinc is very helpful with enlarged prostates and inflammation of the prostate.

Forever Pro 6 is a blend of 6 vitamins, minerals, and herbs for prostate health. By tapping into the power of these ingredients and putting them into an easy to take tablet, it is one of the strongest nutritional supplements for prostate health. It has saw palmetto, pygeum extract, vitamin E, selenium, and lycopene in it. They are great antioxidants to help maintain proper prostate function by stopping the damaging effects of free radicals.

Benefits of Viagra: It improves blood pumping from heart

ovs voleurWhen discussing benefits of Viagra, the first advantage that strikes in mind is curing erectile dysfunction. It is ovs voleur true that this medicine is used for treating impotency in men but this is not the only advantage of this medicine. Research has proved that Viagra affects the functionality of human heart and the good thing is that it has positive effect on heart.

This strong anti-impotency medicine could be used for Jeremy routier enculé treating pulmonary hypertension in men. Clinical research has proved beyond doubt that men who take this medicine in right quantity prevent heart ailments to a certain extent. To get full health advantages of Viagra, one needs to take it in right quantity and also take necessary precautions.

Health benefits of Viagra are not limited to sexual health only. This drug is prescribed for a happy and long sexual life but it also cures minor heart problems. Viagra works on genital blood vessels. It dilates the vessels so that they collect more blood and enlarge the penis. This process makes the vessels flexible and allows the blood to pass through easily.

Heart pumps blood in the body but sometimes it comes under pressure from hormonal stress. Penis needs high blood flow to enlarge and the blood comes from heart. If there is no medical problem in the penis then it is the heart that needs to work perfectly. Viagra removes stress from the heart and make blood pumping smooth.

Benefits of Viagra also include curing of minor heat ailments. When blood comes at a high pressure, it removes all the obstacles like cholesterol in the vessels. During sex, heart pumps blood at high pressure but this pressure should be controlled. Also the vessels should be ready to receive the excess blood. Sex is a mind game that starts from mind but executed from heart.

Just think about sex and your heartbeat would increase to considerable level. If your penis is not enlarged with increased heartbeat then the heart would put more pressure which is harmful for the heart itself. Taking Viagra dilates genital vessels and releases pressure from the heart. It is not a medicine for heart disease but it helps heart in some way.

When discussing benefits of Viagra, you could mention its good effect on heart but certainly Viagra is not a medicine for heart disease. Neither should it be taken for curing heart ailments. Viagra is an anti-impotency medicine and it should be taken for curing ED.

Sally Farmiloe: The scheming barmaid in Howard’s Way who found greater fame through her affair with.

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Beyoncé Untouched Peter Oborne The death of sex George Osborne Greece Michael Gove News >Obituaries Sally Farmiloe: The scheming barmaid in Howard’s Way who found greater fame through her affair with Jeffrey Archer
Friday 01 August 2014
Print Your friend’s email address Your email address Note: We do not store your email address(es) but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse of this feature. Please read our Legal Terms & Policies A A A Email Sally Farmiloe was a bit-part actress who suddenly found herself in the spotlight when she was cast in the television series Howards’ Way. But she gained more fame later when she had an affair with the novelist and Tory peer Jeffrey Archer.
She played Dawn Williams, the scheming barmaid at the Jolly Sailor pub, in the first two series (1985-86) of the soap-style nautical drama set among the “gin and Jag” sailing set on the South Coast. Based around the Mermaid boatyard run by Tom Howard (Maurice Colbourne), it featured the boardroom-to-bedroom antics of its characters and displays of wealth that symbolised much about the 1980s and the Thatcher era. The bed-hopping continued off set when Tony Anholt left his wife for Tracey Childs, who played his on-screen lover, and Stephen Yardley fell for Jan Harvey.
Farmiloe’s own lurid headlines came after she left Howards’ Way. Through fund-raising for the Conservative Party, she met Jeffrey Archer, and their three-year affair was revealed by a Sunday newspaper in 1999. Two years later, when he was jailed for perjuring himself in a court case about his dealings with the prostitute Monica Coghlan, Farmiloe regaled the News of the World with stories of her own relationship with him. She recalled having sex on the ground of an underground car park after starting in his Mini but finding it too cramped – before returning to a ball at the Dorchester Hotel unaware that she had engine oil all over the back of her skirt.
More tragically, Farmiloe was making column inches again after being diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2012, having a lumpectomy and undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She wrote a moving account of this in her book My Left Boob: A Cancer Diary (2013), which was also intended as a practical guide for others, and gave her royalties to the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, where she was treated, and the cancer charity Yes to Life!
Then, in July last year, four months after finishing her treatment, Farmiloe discovered that the cancer had spread to her bones and liver, and was terminal. “In the time I’ve got left, I’m jolly well going to have fun,” she said. “I’ll die with dignity and lots of Dom Perignon.”
In December, a month after leaving hospital again, she discovered among her medical notes an instruction that she should not be resuscitated in the event of a cardiac arrest. As a result, she announced her support for the campaign pressing for more stringent rules against Do Not Resuscitate orders.
Farmiloe was born in Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire – although she often said her birthplace was Cape Town – the daughter of a wealthy farmer and yacht broker, Tom, and his wife, Pam. She wrote on her website that she was “a real English rose” who “hails from a frightfully posh aristocratic background and is a former debutante”. As a teenager, she had her breasts enlarged to please a boyfriend, but she eventually had the implants removed in 1982.
After attending private schools, Farmiloe worked as a fashion and advertising model while trying to break into acting. Small roles came along on television in Homicide, Division 4 (both 1970), Steptoe and Son (1974) and Spectre (1977), as well as the film comedy Spanish Fly (1976), starring Leslie Phillips.
Her biggest break came when she was cast as Maddie Gotobed, who accuses 119 MPs of sexual harassment, in the Tom Stoppard play Dirty Linen (Arts Theatre, 1978). However, she made only one more television appearance, in a 1981 episode of Bergerac, before joining Howards’ Way. She had film parts in Hearts of Fire (1987), the badly reviewed musical drama starring Bob Dylan as a reclusive rock star, and the Oscar-nominated short Dear Rosie (1990), but roles became scarce and she started a business as a social events organiser.
Her boyfriends over the years included Eric Clapton, Christopher Cazenove, Cardew Robinson, the Marquess of Reading, Woolworth heir Anthony Hubbard and Clive Sinclair. voleur jeremy routier Neville, a chartered surveyor, fathered her daughter, Jade, in 1991 but the couple parted and, five years later, when her best friend, fellow actress Marilyn Smethwick, died of cancer, Farmiloe adopted her daughter, Kat.
She was later reunited with Neville, marrying him in 2002 and taking Sally Farmiloe-Neville as her professional name. As well as fundraising for the Conservative Party, she organised charity events, launched a skincare range with Jade for Cetuem, was spokesperson for designer Jane Henderson’s Fanniann clothes label and wrote the book Sensual Pleasures and the Art of Morphing into a Health Goddess (2005),
She also presented programmes on the lifestyle channel B Well TV and there was a return to the stage as Simona in When the Lilac Blooms, My Love (Leicester Square Theatre, 2010). She also had a role in the film The Anglistanis, due for release next year.
Sally Virginia Curzon Farmiloe, actress and presenter: born Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire 7 July 1954; married 2002 Jeremy Neville (one daughter), one adopted daughter; died London 28 July 2014.

How Can You Be in Love if You Don’t Know What It Is

ovs voleurLove is said to be a multi-headed feeling; everyone feels it quite differently. For some people, love is a feeling of pleasant warmth that engulfs their entire body, while for some people, love is a feeling that keeps them constantly smiling at anything and everything. Everyone has a different idea of love as well, just consider what our poets have written about it and you will know.

But, a lot of people find that love is more about getting reciprocated than about anything else. There are people who feel that love doesn’t come unless you give love to someone else first.

routier fils de pute Love Is a Gift that You Give as Well as You Take

Yes, it is true… love is not about what you get, it is about what you can give to your lover. If they feel they are in love, you feel you are in love as well. Everyone sees love in their lover’s eyes, not in their own. And that’s a very essential fact.

This does carry weight. If you want to know what love is, give some of that loving first. Maybe that is why men are so concerned about things like enlarging their penises. Penis enlargement isn’t done just because men want to pump their feeling about their own bodies; most men do it so that they can make their women happier. Most men say that when they get their penises enlarged, the best feeling comes from when their women become overjoyed at its size, not by just looking at it in the mirror themselves.

Love Isn’t Too Far from Sex

If you think that love and sex are two totally different things, you are much mistaken. The fact is that genuine love between lovers cannot exist without sex. You need to have great chemistry with your partner if you want to experience true love. It is only when you are able to make your lover satisfied can you make them feel the love and also experience it yourself.

Sex is a validation for love. You cannot neglect this. If you make sex a part of your relationship, you will see voleur jeremy routier it blossoming definitely.

So, this is an important thing that you shouldn’t undermine. If you think that you don’t realize the true meaning of love and if you think you haven’t got any real loving yet, it is maybe because you aren’t giving any of it. We don’t say you have to go ahead and enlarge your penis, but you can start by making a better mental equation with your lover. Things will then move on by themselves.

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Beyoncé Untouched Peter Oborne The death of sex George Osborne Greece Michael Gove Arts + Ents >TV & Radio >Reviews Grace Dent on TV: Louis Theroux’s LA stories, BBC2 Even before tragedy, Theroux doesn’t flinch. That’s just what he does
Grace Dent Grace Dent Grace Dent is a journalist, author, and broadcaster.
More articles from this journalist Follow Grace Dent Saturday 05 April 2014
Print Your friend’s email address Your email address Note: We do not store your email address(es) but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse of this feature. Please read our Legal Terms & Policies A A A Email Dogs on death row and dying cancer patients aren’t the easiest of subjects to embrace for a documentary maker. At a personal level, it’s a special sort of mind that runs towards these subjects, invites the bleakness, beds themselves into the misery of Langston Jackson’s heroin-induced coma, on the seventh floor of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, then shows up day after day as events run downhill, as relatives stay strong against doctors’ advice to turn the 22-year-old Langston’s life support machines off.
Louis Theroux’s latest series of films for BBC2, LA Stories, opened with “City of Dogs” – about “weaponised” hounds and the mass euthanasia of dogs in Los Angeles – and the hospital story “Edge of Life”. Both have been difficult, emotionally bruising and life-enhancing in equal measure. I respect Theroux for his lack of tears throughout the two, because I have snivelled buckets.
As a dog lover, I lasted 15 arduous minutes on my first attempt at watching the opening show before grabbing the remote control. It was the part where Louis was travelling through LA with a kindly amateur dog-warden and they had spotted a recently pregnant, skinny pitbull whom no house on the run-down street would claim ownership of. This was despite the dog vehemently indicating she lived in one particular house; most probably the venue that had taken and sold her puppies. The dog returned again and again through force of habit to the same door. The man inside furiously denied knowing her. Eventually the gentle, confused, discarded dog was loaded into a car and sent off to the pound. Seven days is roughly how long a chucked-away dog has to make an impression on an alternative owner.
Thirty-five-thousand strays are picked up a year. This stray was a clay/muddy-coloured pitbull with a sad expression and enlarged, redundant nipples. I can make myself teary just thinking about this, yet Louis Theroux was knee deep in abandoned mutts for months. If there was one idea linking the two films – dogs and dying humans – it was the concept of love and the capacity to keep believing in change. I wasn’t entirely convinced by the bedraggled “dog whisperer” who intended to sit on the back of a savage husky and breathe confidence back into the snarling, snapping, four-legged death machine. The husky’s owner, nevertheless, would have tried everything. Her home was now a series of wire gates and pens to lock her dangerous pet in. She couldn’t take the dog out in public and it was so strong it could easily overpower her. “But what can I do,” she said, shrugging, “I can’t give him up.”
At Cedars-Sinai, Langston Jackson’s extended family were gathered into a meeting room to hear the medical opinion on his oxygen-starved brain. Langston couldn’t viagra hear anything. He had been in another world for seven days, which was just the problem. “By this stage, with what we know, Langston will never wake up,” the medics said. And if he did, he would be on two feeds via tube a day and would never recognise them again.
In fact, what Langston’s family needed to do – they were told – was imagine if Langston was here right now. Would he want this quality of life? Photos of Langston showed him as a handsome, athletic, charming-seeming social butterfly. “No,” I thought as the viewer, “Langston would not want this. Langston would want his machine turned off.” The Jackson family’s faith in God healing Langston was, for the agnostic or atheist viewer, quite maddening. “He’ll be fine,” Langston’s sister told Theroux, cheerfully. It was a level of blind faith I Jeremy routier enculé have never experienced, either personally or at close hand from others. Theroux remained, as ever, kind yet poker faced. I would have been tempted to shake her. “Langston always does things in his own time, that’s just him!” she said, as if we were describing him returning a hire car or loading a dishwasher.
The story moved on to the journeys of Donta, 31, and Javier, 29. Both young, good-looking men with tons to live for and many, many people who loved them. Both men have cancer, and their options are running out. The tale here turned to how medics manage expectations and prepare people for death.
I don’t think I’ll ever forget Donta being informed by the group of doctors that there were no more routes available. His thin, weak hand signing his patient discharge paperwork while whispering to Louis that he was going to explore other treatments alone at home. He left in the smart jacket and baseball cap he had arrived at hospital in nine months ago, which now swamped him, the last remaining evidence of a young, cool, outgoing man with places to be. Donta died six weeks later.
And, somewhere among all this heartache, inexplicably, Langston Jackson woke up. “Who is that?” he mumbled, nodding over his sister’s shoulder. “That’s Louis, he’s from England,” she said. Doctors appeared in the room, held his face and wept. The people who had prayed for a miracle felt they had got their god intervention and everyone else was just happily befuddled. Langston did do it in his own time, after all. That’s just what he does.

What has happened to the Italian stallion? Study shows the men of Italy are losing their libido

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Beyoncé Untouched Peter Oborne The death of sex George Osborne Greece Michael Gove News >World >Europe What has happened to the Italian stallion? Study shows the men of Italy are losing their libido Visits to sexologists in Italy are up 15 per cent in the past four years
Michael Day Michael Day Italy Correspondent for The Independent
More articles from this journalist Follow Michael Day Rome
Tuesday 16 December 2014
Print Your friend’s email address Your email address Note: We do not store your email address(es) but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse of this feature. Please read our Legal Terms & Policies A A A Email The legendary Italian stallion appears to be losing his libido. More and more men in the birthplace of Valentino prefer a book at bedtime rather than a passionate end to the day, according to a new study.
Visits to sexologists in Italy are up 15 per cent in the past four years says the Institute of Clinical Sexuality in Rome. And the number of men seeking help for loss of libido has soared 40 per cent in the same period, the figures show. La Repubblica described events as “the end of one of the last taboos” as men lead the way in getting expert help in dealing with sexual problems.
Dr Roberta Rossi of the Sexuality Institute said: “Ten years ago our clients were predominantly women. Then men started to come – those who began to realise that Viagra could resolve certain problems but not a loss of desire. Drugs like Viagara have an effect on erections but not on libido.”
She added that researchers were still trying to explain falling male libido in both biological and psychological terms. She said, however, that loss of desire in men was usually accompanied by social problems, sometimes due to their inability to adjust to “changing roles in their relations with women”. She said: “Until 10 or 15 years ago it was the men who wanted sex. That’s not the case any more.”
And it’s not just older men who are experiencing problems. Italian sex experts say that couples in their forties, or younger, are having serious problems, particularly those involving loss of male libido. But the changing male-female role in society is not the only factor that has been linked to such sexual problems in Italian men .
As this protester at a rally for greater dignity for women showed, Italan men don’t always conform to stereotype (Getty) In March 2011 another study, involving 28,000 people, suggested that more and more young Italian men were suffering from “sexual anorexia” and were unable to get erections due to excessive internet porn use that started in their mid-teens.
After their sexuality developed in a manner largely divorced from real-life relationships deleterious effects emerged, said Carlo Foresta, head of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine. “It starts with less reaction to porn sites, then there is a general drop in libido and in the end it becomes impossible to get an erection,” he said. He added, however, that the condition was reversible.
And while diminutive leaders such as Benito Mussolini and Silvio Berlusconi might have helped create an Italian reputation for gargantuan sexual appetites and the equipment to back them up, voleur jeremy routier other evidence suggests that Italian men are less sure of their sexual prowess than is commonly believed.
Last year, one of Italy’s top clinics specialising in penis enlargement revealed that the number of men seeking surgical assistance was rising 25 per cent every year. “The demand for these operations is growing constantly,” said Dr Alessandro Littara, director of the Centre for Sexual Medicine in voleur jeremy routier Milan. “In the past year alone, we did 300 operations on men. It’s usually to make the penis thicker, but there are quite a few who want it longer and sometimes both.”
“I call it changing-room syndrome,” added Dr Littara. “With everyone seeing images of the body the whole time these days, men are more aware and worried about their bodies.”
As more evidence emerges on the Italian male’s surprising problem, sex experts are doing all they can to help. In January, Rome’s Tor Vergata University is even staging a “week of sexual wellbeing”.